Without the rear hook, the hook seems to be bad ... but with the treble hook, there are many roots. It is a very short single specification that solves such problems. Like the Twin Pike DJ-88, the hook is popular for its quick hooking and keeping power, and uses the "Pike AS-03" that completely backs up light jigging. The eye, which has a higher degree of freedom than the fixed eye single hook, further prevents burr and supports hooking. "Short Pike DJ-77" can be used not only for shore casting and jigging at the rear and front, but also for quay jigging and setting for lure pencil baits.
Decoy Dancing Jack 77 DJ-77 Short Pike
Single hook with short assist cord and solid ring.
Excellent for Shore or Light Jigging!
Perfect for slow jigging, micro jigging.
The wide gauge and extra sharp hooks create the perfect shape for solid hookups.
size Quantity
#1 - 5 per Packet
#1/0 - 5 per Packet
#2/0 - 4 per Packet
#3/0 - 4 per Packet